Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

KRUSS Drop Shape Analyzer – DSAHT

KRUSS Drop Shape Analyzer – DSAHT

High-temperature measurement of contact angle and surface tension

Our DSAHT specializes in the precise high-temperature measurement of wetting based on contact angle and surface tension. Materials such as metals, glass or ceramics in molten form can be investigated using our DSAHT at actual process and working temperatures. To this end, our high-quality, optical drop shape analysis components work together with first-class high-temperature furnaces which have excellent temperature consistency and homogeneity. The accurate measuring results at temperatures up to 1750 °C contribute to the optimization of processes such as metal smelting, the combustion of biomass and enameling.

High-quality optical solutions for precision measurements

Our high-resolution camera and quality lens together with the zoom option and accurate focusing guarantee outstanding image quality of the molten drop. A special filtering technique filters out the inherent radiance of glowing samples. This ensures a high-contrast contour for the shadow image, thus enabling the drop image to be accurately analyzed by optical means. The intelligent evaluation algorithms in our software also ensure precise results when measuring contact angle and surface tension.

Intelligent furnace design for accurate temperature control

The furnace of our DSAHT has been developed with high temperature accuracy in mind. The long length of the furnace tube guarantees a particularly homogenous temperature distribution in the vicinity of the sample. The long length of the tube also ensures a flat temperature gradient from the hottest point towards the ends, thus avoiding stresses which can affect the material. The precision temperature sensor is set directly into the sample table in order to measure the sample temperature exactly and enable it to be controlled accurately.
The furnace can be opened quickly and easily and the sample easily loaded thanks to intelligently designed flanges and a sliding device. The furnace can remain closed while the sample is aligned. This saves considerable time, as otherwise the furnace would first have to be cooled down in order to correct the sample position after loading the sample.
We provide the optimum instrument for your required target temperature with different versions of our DSAHT with temperatures up to 1200 °C, up to 1500 °C or up to 1750 °C. The furnace tube works flexibly under oxidizing, inert or reducing atmospheres and under vacuum (up to 1000 °C). This enables real conditions for wetting melts in particular processes to be simulated, thus enabling the results to be used for optimizing these processes.

Intelligent software with many analysis options

Our temperature control and drop shape analysis software opens up a variety of measuring options. As well as setting a constant target temperature, accurately controlled temperature ramps can also be programmed. By this means, accurate analyses of smelting and redistribution processes, for example changes to the green body in ceramic production, can be carried out. The software can also record single frames and videos at programmed intervals in order to document changes in the material. Beneath others, this option enables cinder cones to be precisely investigated in accordance with the ASTM D-1857 standard for optimizing process control in combustion reactors.

Tasks and applications

  • Smelting
  • Glass manufacture
  • Enamel coatings
  • Ceramics
  • Metallurgy
  • Optimization of combustion processes

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